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Have you already purchased a K’ilu Kit? Your question may be answered below in our Frequently Asked Questions.



Q: Where is my kit? I’ve purchased my kit but I haven’t received my email.

A: Check your spam folder. You should have received your K’ilu Kit access link by email directly after you made your purchase.

Q: When will my K’ilu Kit be shipped? I didn’t receive a shipping notification?

A: The K’ilu Kit Adventure is a completely digital experience, so you don’t need to worry about receiving any packages in the mail. After you purchase your K’ilu Kit, you receive a direct link with a password to access your full K’ilu Kit, including the audio adventure tracks, the printable storytelling props, and instructions.

Q: How long does the Audio Adventure take?

A: The Audio Adventures run 25 minutes from start to finish. You can play the adventure as a way to celebrate the holiday, or you can also use the audio adventure outside of the observed holiday if it is your custom not to use electronics at that time.

Q: When should I use my kit?

A: You can use your K’ilu Kit Adventure to observe the holiday ritual of sharing each story in an engaging and meaningful way. If it is your custom to refrain from using electronics on the holiday itself, you can use your kit to bring the story to life before or after the observed holiday.

Q: When should I print everything?

A: Print the full storytelling kit prior to the holiday. Your K’ilu Kit comes with step by step instructions, including the scavenger hunt to collect items from around your house, assembling the props, and setting up your Story Space. You’ll want to have everything ready before you start the holiday.

Q: Will this really keep my kid’s attention as an audio experience?

A: Yes! The Audio Adventure is designed to be participatory, active, and engaging for 3 to 8 year olds. It has been created in collaboration with children, by arts education professionals. While they are listening along, the children are guided to act out parts of the story and use the props along the way. The Audio Adventure has instructions for both the kids and the grownups. The experience will be even more engaging if the adults play along with the children throughout the adventure.

Q: Can this kit be used in a school setting?

A: Yes! We are partnering with synagogues, early childhood centers, and religious schools across the country who are using the kit in a variety of ways with their communities. Please go to to learn more about how you can bring K’ilu Kit to your school community.

Q: Do you have programming that visits schools and communities?

A: Yes! We bring live holiday programs, school workshops, and teacher trainings throughout the Chicagoland-area (where we’re based) and around the country. Visit to learn more about our work across the Jewish early childhood field.